Administration & Partners

Executive Committee

Jennifer Flanagan, Board Chair
Marc Pollack, Vice Chair
Mason W. Stephenson, Secretary
David P. Poroch, Treasurer/Finance & Endowment
John H. Crawford IV, Immediate Past Chair, Chair, Committee on Trustees
John M. Dyer, Co-chair, Capital Campaign
Erica DeChicchis, Plant Collections
Debbie Edwards, Conservation Advancement
H. Alan Elsas, Education
Cody Partin, Development
Carol B. Tomé, At Large
Mary Pat Matheson, Ex-Officio


Michael Auzenne
Molly Battin
Charles W. “Bill” Cary, Jr.
Michael Chanin
Julia W. Cromartie
Philip Green
Roya Irvani
Gene Kansas
Cara Isdell Lee
Barbara Levy
Dan Noyd
Vicki Palefsky
Karen Parker
Sylvia Russell
Roger Smith
Allen W. Yee

Lifetime Trustees

Tricia Allen
Sylvia Attkisson
Mose Bond
Norris A. Broyles, Jr.
Moncure Crowder
Paul Cushing
George de Man
Mary Wayne Dixon
Flossie Dodge
J. Rex Fuqua
James Gibbs
Shearon Glover
Holcombe T. Green, Jr.
Bernard L. Greer, Jr.
Sylvia Harris
Aileen P. Hatcher
Babette Henagan
Trudy Huger
John J. Huntz, Jr.
David S. Martin
John Hays Mershon
Robert E. Reiser, Jr.
Olive Robinson
Deen Day Sanders
Margaret Shirley
Dean DuBose Smith
James Dean Spratt, Jr.
Harriett Warren
Tom Woodham


Mary Pat Matheson

Anna and Hays Mershon President and
Chief Executive Officer

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Arthur Fix

Chief Operating Officer

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Noel Barnes

Chief Financial Officer

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Amanda Bennett

Vice President,
Horticulture & Collections

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Jessica Boatright

Vice President,

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Emily Coffey

Vice President,
Conservation & Research

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Mildred Pinnell Fockele

Gainesville Garden Director

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Tracy McClendon

Vice President,

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Leslie Myers

Vice President,
Institutional Advancement

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